Founder & Clinical Director, Union Square Cognitive Therapy
853 Broadway, New York, NY 10003
Clients seen:
Union Square Cognitive Therapy is a small private practice specializing in cognitive-behavioral therapy for eating disorders, body image disturbances, depression, anxiety disorders, perfectionism, maternal mental health, ADHD, and other mental concerns. We treat clients of all ages: adults, teens, children, parents, and families.
Professional Training:
Licensed Clinical Psychologist (NY, CT, PsyPact), iaedp Certified Eating Disorder Specialist & Supervisor (CEDS-S), Certified Cognitive Therapist
Training in CBT-E:
Face-to-face workshop:
ABCT, AED conference workshops earlier in my career. I have since led trainings in CBT for Bulimia and Binge Eating Disorder at ABCT, Grand Rounds, and private workshops. I co-authored Treatment Plans and Interventions for Bulimia and Binge Eating Disorder (Guilford, 2011).
I completed an externship training year under the supervision of Dr. Terry Wilson at the Rutgers U Eating Disorders Clinic in 2001-2002.