South Lee MHS, HSE Cork Kerry Community Healthcare Cork, Ireland
Clients seen:
Senior Occupational Therapist in Mental Health
Professional Training
Age 18 and up.
Diagnoses: Eating Disorder Cases: AN, BN, Binge Eating, BE with Low Self-Esteem
General Adult: Schizophrenia, Depression, BPAD, Mood D/O, Psychosis, EUPD, Mental Health ID, ASD with co-morbid MH presentation (anxiety, depression, psychosis, etc.).
Training in CBT-E:
CREDO Online CBT-E Training, Face-to-face workshop, Other
Face-to-face workshop:
• CBT-E Workshop 2016, Dublin, Ireland with Dr. Chris Fairburn
• CBT-E Workshop 2017, Dublin, Ireland with Dr. Kristin Bohn
• CBT-E Workshop 2018/2019, Dublin, Ireland with Dr. Kristin Bohn and Dr. Murphy
• Dr. C. Fairburn lecture-Emphasis on Core Psychopathology of ED-over evaluation of shape and weight and data of CBT-E in Young Population.
• Dr. K. Bohn lecture-focused on self-monitoring, assessment, data of new CBT-E app.