Clients seen:
I see clients experiencing the spectrum of disordered eating and body image concerns including diagnosed Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa. I specialie in ED work in both my private practice and part time within a restructured hospital. I work with clients 11 years and up using both FBT, CBT-E and incorporate strategies from other therapies including ACT and DBT.
Professional Training:
Clinical Psychologist (PGDipClinPsyc, MSc Psychology from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)
Registered with the Singapore Register of Psychologists (#2001001)
Registered with the New Zealand Psychologist Board (#90-05632)
Training in CBT-E:
CREDO Online CBT-E Training, Other
I worked as part of a specialised ED service which offered ad-hoc training in CBT-E as part of my clinical work.