Professional Role(s) and qualifications:
Currently, I work as an assistant professor at a university located in Istanbul-Turkey. Additionally, I work as a clinical psychologist in a private clinical setting.
Training in CBT-E:
I attended the “Advances in Treatment Series: CBT-E for Adolescents” webinar by Prof. Riccardo Dalle Grave in April 2020. Then, in January 2021, I have completed Web-Centred Training in Enhanced CBT (CBT-E) for Eating Disorders provided by The Centre for Research on Eating Disorders at Oxford.
Clinical Practice and Supervision:
I mainly work with clients older than the age of 16 with eating disorders and body image concerns. I also work with clients with anxiety disorders, depressive disorders and interpersonal difficulties in a private setting. I have experience in both individual and group therapy settings.
My main research interest relies on eating disorders and body dissatisfaction. I am also interested in prevention and treatment approaches for psychological disorders in general.
For my PhD thesis, I developed a cognitive behavioural therapy oriented eating disorders prevention program for female university students who show an increased risk for developing eating disorders. Following the development of the program, I conducted a randomized controlled feasibility trial to test the efficacy of this program on decreasing eating disorders and related psychopathology symptoms as well as feasibility and acceptability of this program. In the near future, I plan to conduct a RCT for the prevention of eating disorders by improving my PhD project. I also aim to integrate EEG analysis into the methodology to examine changes in neural activities following the prevention program.
My publications can be found in the link follows: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Basak_Ince