We have created this website in response to a demand for information about CBT-E from the public and professionals. Our individual details are given below, although we wish to create a wider network of professionals with CBT-E expertise. If you are a professional group or individual using CBT-E actively in your clinical and/or research work, and wish to share your details with other professionals, please click here to find out more. If you are a trained CBT-E therapist who would like to share your details with the public please click here to find out more.

Riccardo Dalle Grave, MD
Director, Department of Eating and Weight Disorders, Villa Garda Hospital. Garda (Vr) Italy
I am director of the Department of Eating and Weight Disorders at Villa Garda Hospital. In this department, in collaboration with Professor Christopher Fairburn, I have developed an original inpatient treatment for eating disorders based entirely on enhanced cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT-E), and an adaptation of CBT-E for adolescents with eating disorders.
My current focus is on evaluating CBT-E in the treatment of adult and adolescent patients with eating disorders who are significantly underweight, both in outpatient and inpatient settings. I also have a particular interest in the processes that are responsible for weight regain (following intentional weight loss) and treatment failure in those with obesity.
In 1997 I founded the First Certificate of Professional Training in Eating Disorders and Obesity, that in 2017 was converted in the Italian Master on Treatment and Prevention of Eating Disorders and Obesity. This one-year course, that is now at the 21th cohort, trains medical doctors, psychologists, and dietitians in cognitive behaviour therapy for eating disorders and obesity I provide expert CBT-E supervision for clinical services in Europe, the USA, Australia, and Dubai.

Rebecca Murphy, DClinPsych
Co-Director, The Centre for Research on Eating Disorders at Oxford (CREDO)
Senior Research Clinician, University of Oxford
Honorary Clinical Psychologist, Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust
CREDO University of Oxford Web Page
Twitter @rebeccamurphyox
I have both a clinical and research interest in enhanced CBT for eating disorders (CBT-E). This began when I delivered CBT-E as a trial therapist for several years at CREDO, under the supervision of Christopher Fairburn and Zafra Cooper. During this time, I took a particular interest in the mediators of change in psychological treatments. More recently, the focus of my work has been on disseminating CBT-E. This began with the development and evaluation of more scalable methods of training clinicians to deliver evidence-based psychological treatments. This has included the development of an online training programme for therapists learning CBT-E and a role-play based measure of therapist competence. Since then, I have turned my attention to reaching people with eating disorders more directly. Currently, I am leading the development and evaluation of Digital CBTe, a self-help programme for bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder which is delivered online (via a website and a mobile application). This has been derived from CBT-E and its associated printed self-help programme (Overcoming Binge Eating). In addition, I provide training and supervision in CBT-E to various clinical groups in the UK and worldwide.
All of my work has been carried out in collaboration with my colleagues at CREDO and a wider network of CBT-E colleagues. Most of my work has been funded by the Wellcome Trust. More recent research support has been provided by Oxford Health Biomedical Research Centre and ongoing access to our online training programme is funded by Health Education England in partnership with Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust. More recently I have been responsible for the management of the Centre for Research on Eating Disorders at Oxford (CREDO) based in the University’s Department of Psychiatry. Together with Suzanne Straebler, Riccardo Dalle Grave and Zafra Cooper, we have founded the CBT for eating disorders special interest group for the Academy of Eating Disorders. Further, I am an associate editor of Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy and am on the editorial committee for the Italian Journal of Eating Disorders and Obesity.
Our Colleagues
We also wish to acknowledge each of the major CBT-E originators and members of the training group, as well as our wider network of colleagues. Thank you also to Elena Mischiatti (from Positive Press) and Charandeep Khera (CREDO) who have helped us to build and edit the website.
CREDO have been given support for their contribution to developing this information website by the John Fell Fund (0008441), a research fund from the University of Oxford and financed by Oxford University Press.